Apr 24 2020 Staying ‘Well’ During COVID-19 Mandatory Quarantine!
What does staying ‘well’ during the COVID-19 pandemic even mean?
All over the world we are seeing unprecedented measures to halt the spread of this novel Coronavirus pandemic! We find ourselves in the mists of quarantine orders, business closures, social distancing policies, border closures, gym closures, job losses, Centrelink lines, toilet paper hoarding and, and, and……
Oct 22 2019 Travelling for business?? It’s bad for your health!
Okay, let’s be honest here, we all know that treating a work trip like an ‘all-expenses paid junket’ is not great for our health and wellness. But according to new research out of the Harvard Business School, it is not just the unhealthy eating and drinking that contributes to poor health outcomes for regular business…
Sep 25 2019 Yoga – Enhances Your Health
Yoga is an ancient practice that incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses, all designed to be a full body workout while encouraging relaxation to reduce stress.
With many forms of exercise and training coming and going, yoga is one that has stood the test of time, having been around for more than 5,000 years.
The name ‘yoga’…