Staying ‘Well’ During COVID-19 Mandatory Quarantine!

What does staying ‘well’ during the COVID-19 pandemic even mean?

All over the world we are seeing unprecedented measures to halt the spread of this novel Coronavirus pandemic! We find ourselves in the mists of quarantine orders, business closures, social distancing policies, border closures, gym closures, job losses, Centrelink lines, toilet paper hoarding and, and, and……

None of these measures we have any control over, and we may need to practice ‘social distancing’ for some time yet. Suddenly tasked with juggling working from home (if we are lucky enough to still be employed), home schooling the kids (without the patience of teachers or their knowledge and experience) all while keeping a clean and harmonious home (without the escape of the local coffee shop!!). It is an extremely stressful time – for everyone. If you’re feeling like your world has been turned upside down, you’re not alone. We’re right there with you.

So how do we stay ‘well’ during this unprecedented time? And what does staying ‘well’ even mean?

It certainly means more than just avoiding infection with COVID-19!

To me it means maintaining physical health, emotional health, social health, mental health and wellbeing, as well as doing our part to contribute to the health of our greater community – by #StayAtHome!

During this time of social distancing and periods of home and even forced hotel quarantine, there is evidence to support some ‘tips and tricks’ you can do to make your time spent in isolation feel a little more ‘normal’. In fact, the number one recommendation is to implement a daily schedule…… and stick to it. I found this one by @plntbasedcutie and modified it a little to suit my tastes, I would encourage you to do the same;

700am ish – ‘up and at em’
• Usual morning routine

800am ish – Do something for your soul.
• Meditate
• Mindful walk

830am ish – Do something for your brain.
• Get some work done
• Read something educational

1200pm ish – Lunch

100pm ish – Do something for your mind.
• Stretch outside
• Go for a walk
• Dance a little to your favourite tune

130pm ish – Do something productive.
• Get some work done
• Clean the house
• Tick something of your ‘to do’ list

400pm ish – Do something for your body.
• Yoga
• Pilates
• Stationary bike
• Weights

500pm ish – Do something for your social connections.
• Call a friend/family member
• Zoom, FB messenger, Face Time, WhatsApp video call

600pm ish on – Netflix and chill!
• Dinner
• Netflix
• Chill
• Movie or TV

9-1000pm ish – Bed time.
• The Chill part of ‘Netflix and Chill’ – if you are lucky enough to be quarantined with a partner
• zzzzzzzzzzzz

Finally, and most importantly, give yourself some space and some grace! Practice being gentle with yourself and know that you’re doing the best you can in an extremely difficult situation that none of us are prepared for!

Stay well!